Energy Freedom Technologies Is Raising Awareness of Portals

And how they may be impacting your environment

AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — What is a portal, and do they exist beyond science fiction? Energy Freedom Technologies conducts research and experiments with portals and shares that a portal is an energetic gateway that can move between and sometimes through dimensions. “Portals allow energies to come into and/or out of space,” said Energy Freedom Technologies founder Nicole Cobb Edwards. “For example, a one-way portal pulling energy out of a space may be sucking the health and happiness out of the environment and you may even notice physical items go missing like remotes, keys, and other personal objects. There are also portals that are one-way in the other direction meaning they are inputting energy into a space. Sometimes these portals are inputting confusion energy, and it is also very common for them to bring in entities. The most common portals I experience are two-way portals that have energies coming in and out. Most of these portals are not conductive to a harmonious environment so I find it supportive to acknowledge them and often close portals for clients that prefer more harmony in their space.”

Subtle energies accumulated in some areas cause an anomaly in the space-time continuum, opening portals into other dimensions. Sometimes the gateway into another dimension results in the appearance of interesting creatures and forces. In the book Merging Dimensions, authors Tom Dongo and Linda Bradshaw describe research conducted on the Bradshaw Ranch in Sedona, Arizona. Detailed studies verified a series of interesting events on the Ranch and throughout Sedona, continuing over many years. Often, portals can create more subtle disturbances in the environment.

Dr. Claude Swanson’s Synchronized Universe Model explains the science of how this may happen. Parallel dimensions differ from our current reality by a shift of frequency and phase.  They can be co-located with us and yet not detected, until something causes a shift in the fundamental frequency of our “reality” so it matches theirs. Subtle energy, which accumulates in certain spaces and environments, has precisely this effect. In doing so it opens portals into parallel dimensions.

Do you or a loved one avoid a certain area of your home or property? Is there a room in your home that feels draining and heavy? Is there a room in your home that feels highly energized, and it’s challenging to relax or sleep in there? Have you noticed things go missing in a specific room or area on your property? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s possible that there is a portal in your space. Energy Freedom Technologies offers property harmonization services to create more balance and harmony in your environment.

About Energy Freedom Technologies

Energy Freedom Technologies, a company founded by Nicole Cobb Edwards in Austin, Texas, creates devices and environments that emit Subtle Energies, generating infinite possibilities and shifting the nature of space. To learn more, visit

Media Contact:
Nicole Edwards

SOURCE Energy Freedom Technologies